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From Daily Journal, January 2025

"‘How Turkey and Biden pulled off a hostage exchange that went largely unnoticed"

"Omer Ilter, LLM University of Southern California Gould School of Law, is a lawyer and member of the Istanbul Bar of Turkey. I want to thank my mentor, Prof. Julie Werner-Simon of University of Southern California Gould School of Law, for inspiring this cross-cultural article. Prof. Werner-Simon insists that lawyers must be informed and engaged citizens in the greater world."

By Omer Ilter

From PubMed, Summer 2024

"Impact of Marijuana Use on Lung Health"

Prof. Werner-Simon's three degrees of legalization of marijuana map and publications on the same subject, as well as an acknowledgment of appreciation by authors:

By Joanne M Bando, Donald P Tashkin, Igor Z Barjaktarevic

From the Philadelphia Bar:

The Philadelphia Layer, Spring 2024

"Trailblazing Women In Law"

"In a post-Dobbs world, we need lawyers who protect the medical professionals who provide access and the women who seek access. The world needs more people such as Professor Werner-Simon."

By Samantha R. Salzone, member of the Philadelphia Bar Association

From Center for Mobile Communication Studies:

Social Media Crimes

"Social Media Black Market"

Werner-Simon interviewed on

"Twitter follower fraud"

By Boston University

Huffington Post: Federal Grand Jury, Law Enforcement, and Congressional Investigations

"FBI Director Defied Attorney General with Email Announcement"

Werner-Simon interviewed on government

misconduct by law enforcement

By Daniel Marans and
Ryan J. Reilly

The Identity Theft Handbook:

Crime Victims’ Rights

Identity Theft

"Thought Leaders in Victim
and Witness Rights"

Werner-Simon recognized as expert in

Victim and Witness Rights

By Martin T. Biegelman

WLALA: Mentoring

'Changemaker' Judge

Women's Lawyer Association of Los Angeles
"The Honorable Sandra Klein"

Werner-Simon mentors future federal judge on career, trial advocacy, with emphasis on the Federal Rules of Evidence. 

by Andrea Schoor

From Daily Journal, August 2024

"‘Everything which is not forbidden is allowed’ mentality is US-centric"

"Omer Ilter, LLM University of Southern California Gould School of Law, is a lawyer and member of the Istanbul Bar of Turkey. I want to thank my mentor, Prof. Julie Werner-Simon of University of Southern California Gould School of Law, for inspiring this cross-cultural article. Prof. Werner-Simon insists that lawyers must be informed and engaged citizens in the greater world."

By Omer Ilter

From the CHEST Physician, Winter 2024

"Does Marijuana Harm Your Lungs? The Unclear Truth"

Degrees of marijuana legalization in the United States map provided by Julie Werner-Simon, JD, LLM (2024), used with permission.

By Aaron B. Holley, MD, FCCP

From the Los Angeles Times:
Federal Fraud Crimes

"The Case of the Cool Con Man"

Werner-Simon prosecutes

international criminal

By Carla Hall

Millennial Politics: Federal Prosecutions and Sentencing Issues

"7 Takeaways From The Cohen
Sentencing Memos"

Werner-Simon interviewed about

Attorney Michael Cohen

By Heidi Cuda

KABC Los Angeles:

Reproductive Rights

"Roe v. Wade Reproductive Rights"

Werner-Simon speaks on Roe v. Wade, Reproductive Rights

Hosted by Dr. Howard Gluss

Ms. JD: Mentors Who Inspire

"The Prosecution Rests: Christine Ewell"

Werner-Simon mentors future Chief Assistant United States Attorney & State Court Judge on career and trial advocacy

By April Christin

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