Helios Dayspring, founder of Central California’s Natural Healing Center dispensaries, was sentenced to a 22-month prison sentence.
June 4, 2022 Julie A. Werner-Simon

California’s coastal “King of Cannabis,” Helios Dayspring, owner of a San Luis Obispo cannabis cultivation site, supplier to many licensed California dispensaries, and founder of Central California’s Natural Healing Center dispensary, was sentenced to a 22-month prison sentence, in a downtown Los Angeles federal courtroom May 27.
Dayspring was also ordered to pay almost $3.5 million in back taxes to the IRS from years of unreported cannabis business income.
Dayspring, over a three-year period starting in 2016, bribed a San Luis Obispo county supervisor with money, free cannabis, and fancy meals, so that the local government official would vote in favor of policies which favored Dayspring’s San Luis Obispo cannabis farm and his Grover Beach, California retail outlet.