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Legal Buds Podcast: Episode 2 Resources

Overview: Werner-Simon, Cannabis Business Times, The November Election is Behind us: Where Does Marijuana Legalization Federally and by the States stand?” (Dec. 9  2024)

Biden’s Atty General requests rescheduling to Schedule III

The AG stated "there is, at present, substantial evidence that marijuana does not warrant control under schedule I of the CSA".Source:

The first heaRing was held at the DEA on Dec. 2, 2024, and court issued an order to take testimony on marijuana’s rescheduling, setting the taking of evidence Jan. 21, 2025, through March 6, 2025.: (court order).

Post pod cast recording, Feb,11,  2025, the current president nominates Terry Cole, as DEA administrator.  Cole is not a fan of legalization.:

The DEA nominee, in March 2024, in a post to the Virginia Cannabis Control Authority, stated “Everybody knows my stance on marijuana after 30-plus years in law enforcement, so don’t even ask!” by including anti-marijuana hashtags such as #justsayno, #disorders, #notlegal4distribution and #healthissues.


Authored by Werner-Simon

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