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Werner-Simon Publications
Discrimination Over Wedding Cake in Rural California
Werner-Simon explains how a local court in rural California gave precedence to religious rights, over those of antidiscrimination. Daily...
The Supreme Court lets stand Mississippi’s "Freedom to Discriminate" Law
Werner-Simon describes discriminatory laws in Mississippi that the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review. The Daily Journal
Religious Rights & Gay Rights Argued at the U.S. Supreme Court
Werner-Simon opines on the Supreme Court Masterpiece Cake argument, the divided court and whether food preparation is speech. Daily Journal
Antidiscrimination Laws and Religious Freedoms
Werner-Simon, in The Bison Blog, explains the case of a Colorado baker (owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop), who argued that his First...
The Details of Supreme Court's Resolution Masterpiece Cake
The Daily Journal
Ninth Circuit Judge Harry Pregerson Remembered
Werner-Simon produced Judge Harry Pregerson’s veterans’ rights movie, as well as the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals films on appellate...
Religious Rights v. Antidiscrimination Laws at the U.S. Supreme Court
Werner-Simon describes Supreme Court Masterpiece Cakeshop litigation, the divided court, and the flood of interest across the country,...
The Untold Story of Mary Todd Lincoln and her Lawyer
Werner-Simon tells the untold story of Mary Todd Lincoln’s trial and her lawyer Myra Bradwell. Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles...
Hate Groups, Charlottesville & White Supremacist Ideology
Werner-Simon (in third LTE) objects to use of term “alt-right” as obscuring white supremacist endemics. She urges deliberate and...
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