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Werner-Simon Publications

Becoming a modern day Harriet Tubman on the Overground Reproductive Railroad
WLALA's May 10, 2022 Roe Zoom Forum On May 10, 2022, just days after Justice Alito's leaked opinion in Dobbs was published in Politico,...
Prosecution in the News, Boston Bomber
Werner-Simon explains in the Los Angeles Times that the Boston Bomber investigation suffered delays resulting from Second Amendment...
The Untold Story of Mary Todd Lincoln and her Lawyer
Werner-Simon tells the untold story of Mary Todd Lincoln’s trial and her lawyer Myra Bradwell. Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles...
Evaluating the First Justice of the Trump Administration
Werner-Simon evaluates the first ninety days of the first Trump U.S. Supreme Court justice, Neil Gorsuch of Colorado. The Daily Journal
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