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Werner-Simon Publications
Discrimination Over Wedding Cake in Rural California
Werner-Simon explains how a local court in rural California gave precedence to religious rights, over those of antidiscrimination. Daily...
The Supreme Court lets stand Mississippi’s "Freedom to Discriminate" Law
Werner-Simon describes discriminatory laws in Mississippi that the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review. The Daily Journal
Religious Rights & Gay Rights Argued at the U.S. Supreme Court
Werner-Simon opines on the Supreme Court Masterpiece Cake argument, the divided court and whether food preparation is speech. Daily Journal
Antidiscrimination Laws and Religious Freedoms
Werner-Simon, in The Bison Blog, explains the case of a Colorado baker (owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop), who argued that his First...
Religious Rights v. Antidiscrimination Laws at the U.S. Supreme Court
Werner-Simon describes Supreme Court Masterpiece Cakeshop litigation, the divided court, and the flood of interest across the country,...
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